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3 Made in Tuscany items that I love


While I don’t consider myself the kind of girl obsessed with shopping, dropping my Amex at any given opportunity {well I couldn’t get approved for a credit card in Italy but that’s a totally different blog post} – I do get that occasional urge to browse the markets for something cool for my house or myself. This past week was prime opportunity for a variety of reasons, one being that I would be touring a few Tuscan towns with my boyfriend and his parents, all in the Val D’Orcia region aka Tuscan Heaven and two being that the mostra artigianato fair was back in Florence. Holla! 

For those who may not be aware of this fabulous event, it’s an international handicraft fair featuring local and international designers selling everything: leather goods, artwork, fabrics, furniture, food, jewelry, clothes, spices and so much more. This fair is on until May 1 {and open late 11pm} so if you are looking for something cute or just want to browse what feels like the center of the world, head on over to the fortezza di basso. 

We came straight from our hideaway in Pienza and into the chaos that was parking at the Fortezza di Basso. No one and I mean no one, knows how to make money more than Firenze Parcheggi. We waded through the crowds and headed straight for the various artisan stands I know and love, and within 10 minutes I already found the first item on this list of cool stuff that is actually Made in Tuscany and often by Tuscans themselves!

1. Lamp with a sketch of Santo Spirito church by Beatrice Farloni {famous sketch artist in Florence}

Obviously living in the oltrarno, I make it to Piazza Santo Spirito quite often for an aperitivo with friends, a meeting over coffee at Volume bar or eating a pizza to-go from nearby Gusta pizza. I, like many others, love this place which is why this simple lamp featuring the main church in the piazza, needed to be in my apartment. I love Beatrice’s sketches, whether it be on calendars, place mats, or even just framed. Her designs are clean and simple and a fair price. This lamp set me back a whopping 20 euros. What’s special about her is that she gives parents the opportunity to make their own personalized fairy-tale book that she herself will illustrate – how cool is that! Check her out here or visit her at the handicraft fair mentioned above.


2. Wally Cosmetic line: Latte di Noci body wash & Rose after-bath powder

The lovely people at Wally cosmetici allowed me to try a few of their products, including these two items which I absolutely LOVE. This company has been around since 1925 based from the city of Prato – the owners Stefano and Rolando, are insistent on keeping alive the Tuscan perfumery tradition. The body wash is a pretty large-sized container and you only need very little to lather up with, the fragrance is soft and delicate which I much prefer over strong fragrances. The powder on the other hand is just so pretty I keep the box on display in my bathroom because, why not? It comes with a fluffy powder puff and also smells delightful {like roses} I love using this in the summer when my everything tends to feel humid within seconds after getting out of the shower. Great idea for gifts. Wally Website

Price: About 8 euros for the bodywash [500 ml] and 18 euros for the scented power [150 G]


3. Beautiful piece of wood from a tiny shop in Pienza ‘Made in Tuscany’ {clever}.

You might be thinking, what the heck is this and why would I want it? But as soon as I saw this irregular masterpiece, I  was in love. All I could see was not the wood itself but rather pear & pecorino sliced on top, or a beautiful array of Tuscan salami and various meats, just a simple visual dream for easy dinners at our house or for guests when they come over. I don’t have a dishwasher so the less plates the better!

I had been looking for something like this for ages, a simple piece of local wood, not unlike a cutting board, to use a serving platter since I had seen this all over Tuscany, but the problem was – they are so expensive! Now mind you, this was a gift from my boyfriends parents, but at 38 euros and it is quite big, it could serve as a weapon if need be {just kidding}.This was a better price than I had seen in several artisan markets in Piazza Santo Spirito and beyond.

The name of the store was ‘Made in Tuscany’ and in the historical center of Pienza, a tiny store with a really excited guy so happy to speak a little French with my boyfriend’s parents. He showed us beautiful Tuscan ceramic, wood, hand-stitched fabrics from the area and more, all really nice! I wish I could send you a link or some more information on where the store is, but trust me, Pienza is tiny and just wander those streets until you see a guy who looks like he could use a chat, you will spot these sort of items displayed by the cassa {cash desk} all in various forms, and prices .


4 thoughts on “3 Made in Tuscany items that I love

  1. I really like that little board, Georgette, it says, “made in Tuscany” all over. We love Pienza and have been there many times, quite a charming little town. Wonderful places surrounding Pienza to take “made in Italy” photos! Great image of you in the green field!

    • Thanks so much Bob, everytime we go to a tiny trattoria or place serving cured meats and aged cheeses on these sorts of boards, I get a thrill. Just all part of the experience and they really are gorgeous… Thanks for checking out my post!

  2. Another great post. Neat lamp. No nothing about scents. Well, I do love Shalimar!! Pretty neat that the artist made the cutting board in the shape of a meat cleaver! Is it made out of olive wood?

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